Fortifying Against Doubt: the Three Paths Before Us

We have all faced doubts. 
Our children will all face doubts. 
We will yet face doubts. 

Doubt often comes unsolicited.

There will come a time in the life of faith for every child when they will have to decide for themselves, “Do I really believe this?”  Doubt is a part of the process of maturing.  It is not easy, but it is necessary.

What can we do?  Can we short circuit the process?  Do we need to buy a new curriculum?

Parents, Revealers of God to their Children –– It is probable that parents as a class feel more than ever before the responsibility of their prophetic office. It is as revealers of God to their children that parents touch their highest limitations; perhaps it is only as they succeed in this part of their work that they fulfil the Divine intention in giving them children to bring up––in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Charlotte Mason, Parents and Children, p 41

Preparation – But there is much to be done beforehand, though nothing when the time comes.

Charlotte Mason, Parents and Children, p 43

Charlotte Mason’s words of encouragement, however, are not for the faint of heart, and challenge many commonly-held views in modern Western Christianity.  Her’s is a refreshing voice in a time when so many are abandoning their faith when times of doubt come.  There is hope.  There is a better way.

This is a recording of the closing plenary talk given at the 2021 “Living Education Retreat” (LER)


These are not safe words, but they are so very good.


The key to moving through seasons of doubt.


Evidences, no matter how compelling, are not proofs.


The Essence of Christianity is Loyalty to Jesus Christ

The essence of Christianity is loyalty to Jesus Christ


The way of Jesus cannot be imposed or mapped.


“Fortifying Against Doubt” Slides

“Fortifying Against Doubt” Reference List

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