20 Mile March - Celebration of Chronic Consistency

“The power to distinguish what must be done at once, from what may be done, comes pretty much by habit. At first it requires attention and thought. But mind and body get into the way of doing most things; and the person, whose mind has the habit of singling out the important things and doing them first, saves much annoyance to himself and others, and has gained in Integrity.”
Mason Vol. 4, p. 172



Everyone is familiar with the witticism: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  There is truth in it, for sure… and yet, something important is lost in a culture addicted to and driven by the quest for the newer or better.  Instead, let’s find rest in the sacred rhythm of the mundane, and in knowing that a life of faithfulness is not a life wasted.

“What is your GREATEST adventure?”



How do we keep from chasing Plato?
Do the chief thing.




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